They don’t even reveal their first names.

In the simple correspondences you can obviously see the flirting, with an added dash of mystery, due to the fact that they truly don’t know each other. The messages are cute and witty, and establishes their personalities, and ultimately their relationship. This is What Happy Looks Like begins with the main characters, Graham and Ellie conversating through e-mail. Despite being narrated in third-person, I instantly felt connected to each character and completely empathized with them, which simply proves how great of a writer she is. It’s impossible for someone who loves writing as much as me, to not feel inspired after reading her work. Every detail in every paragraph is strewn together so perfectly. This is the second book of her’s I’ve read and I am now determined to read all of them! Her way of writing has a poetic, dreamlike flow to it.

Let me start with how much I adore Jennifer E. The absence of smiley faces in an e-mail. The way my dog curls up next to me on the couch.